Sim eu sei que esta é a posta que a maior parte dos meus leitores mais gosta, porque é aquela em que se ri desalmadamente.
Eu cá já não lhe acho tanta piada, sobretudo porque sei que a maior parte das pérolas literárias que aqui transcrevo são o resultado de uma tremenda falta de estudo e de brio (orgulho) enquanto aluno. Se eu escrevesse assim enquanto aluno, sentir-me-ia muito envergonada no meu papel. Mas como agora tá na moda dizerem-se as maiores parvoíces e haver sempre alguém que nos bata palmas, aqui vos deixo, então, mais uns textos fabulásticos.
Composition: What do people do to have a good and healthy lifestyle.
Texto A: " The people have healthy lifestyles is good from de body. The body beatiful actif from de exercice phisic. It is a healthy lifestayles is exercice, the food healthy. The famous person's liked of the life healthy, because in bay actif do we body healthy from the work.
The person not famous do liked of the helthy life play exercice physic is very good from the day we laked of have one good healthy. I am have one good healthy because e need and liked."
Texto B: por oposição ao primeiro
" An healthy lifestyle is very important. You have to eat fruits and vegetables to gave energy, but fish and meat are very important too. Having a nice breakfast to be thin and healthy is also a thing you shoul consider. Don't spend the day watching TV, make exercice,don't use too much the elevator (use the steps instead), use your car only if it is really necessary, dance, play football, take the dog out, drink a lot of water and read. You don't read to have an healthy body, you read to have an healthy mind too. If you are a lonely person make new friends, be with your family and be positive!
You can have an healthy lifestyle if you want it to"
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